
Just another weblog

A recipe for life Julho 14, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — looking4good @ 8:06 pm

Things which you need:

6 Cups of Love
3 Table spoons of Hope
2 Cups of Loyalty
5 Table spoons of Understanding
4 Cups of Kindness
2 Table spoons of Tenderness
4 Cups of Forgiveness
4 Cups of Ptience
1 Barrel of Laughter


Take Love and Loyalty and mix throughly with Faith. Blend it with kindness, tenderness and understanding. Add hope and sprinkle abundantly with laughter, bake it with sunshine serve daily in generous helpings.


USA – National Nude Day. What does it mean ?

Filed under: Day,Dia — looking4good @ 3:49 pm
According to some sources today is The National Nude Day, in USA. Does it means, today, everybody is naked? Bush also?

What I know is that everybody born naked.

Well if this is true anybody will be offended with this picture

photo: model unknown (well… if you know her tell me)


USA – National Nude Day. What does it mean ?

Filed under: Day,Dia — looking4good @ 3:49 pm
According to some sources today is The National Nude Day, in USA. Does it means, today, everybody is naked? Bush also?

What I know is that everybody born naked.

Well if this is true anybody will be offended with this picture

photo: model unknown (well… if you know her tell me)


USA – National Nude Day. What does it mean ?

Filed under: Day,Dia — looking4good @ 3:49 pm
According to some sources today is The National Nude Day, in USA. Does it means, today, everybody is naked? Bush also?

What I know is that everybody born naked.

Well if this is true anybody will be offended with this picture

photo: model unknown (well… if you know her tell me)


Vou Contar-te Um Segredo – Margarida Rebelo Pinto

Filed under: Margarida Rebelo Pinto — looking4good @ 2:24 pm
Podias ter-me dito que ias sair da minha vida. A paixão é mesmo isto, nunca sabemos quando acaba ou se transforma em amor, e eu sabia que a tua paixão não iria resistir à erosão do tempo, ao frio dos dias, ao vazio da cama, ao silêncio da distância. Há um tempo para acreditar, um tempo para viver e um tempo para desistir, e nós tivemos muita sorte porque vivemos todos esses tempos no modo certo. Podias ter-me dito que querias conjugar o verbo desistir. Demorei muito tempo a aceitar que, às vezes, desistir é o mesmo que vencer, sem travar batalhas. Antigamente pensava que não, que quem desiste perde sempre, que a subtracção é a arma mais cobarde dos amantes, e o silêncio a forma mais injusta de deixar fenecer os sonhos. Mas a vida ensinou-me o contrário. Hoje sei que desistir é apenas um caminho possível, às vezes o único que os homens conhecem. Contigo aprendi que o amor é uma força misteriosa e divina. Sei que também aprendeste muito comigo, mais do que imaginas e do que agora consegues alcançar. Só o tempo te vai dar tudo o que de mim guardaste, esse tempo que é uma caixa que se abre ao contrário: de um lado estás tu, e do outro estou eu, a ver-te sem te poder tocar, a abraçar-te todas as noites antes de adormeceres e a cada manhã ao acordares. Não sei quando te voltarei a ver ou a ter notícias tuas, mas sabes uma coisa? Já não me importo, porque guardei-te no meu coração antes de partires. Numa noite perfeita entre tantas outras, liguei o meu coração ao teu com um fio invisível e troquei uma parte da tua alma com a minha, enquanto dormias.

Vou Contar-te Um Segredo – Margarida Rebelo Pinto


On this day in History – Jul 14

Filed under: efemerides,This Day in History — looking4good @ 2:01 pm

On this day in History – Jul 14

Filed under: efemerides,This Day in History — looking4good @ 2:01 pm

Beautiful world !!

Filed under: Inspirational — looking4good @ 9:00 am

I’m glad I was invited by Sharm to contribute in this encouragingly WUB.Thanks Sharm.I guess to start with how about having a beautiful mind in our beautiful world!

So peaceful..wouldn’t it be nice if it remains forever?
You live in a beautiful world. The more you appreciate and enjoy that beauty, the more beautiful it becomes.Thoughts of anger attract more anger.Thoughts of goodness attract more goodness.Your thoughts of accomplishment enable you to see that accomplishment in every detail.And whatever you can see, you can find a way to be.
And remember thoughts of peace truly make you more peaceful that can lead those around you to carry peaceful thoughts as well…try it!!So does with beauty.

Beauty is so subjective,impossible to define accurately, at the same time, impossible to ignore.You know what it is without having to learn. It is much more than mere physical appearance.In fact, magnificent beauty can often be found in what appears to be plain and ordinary, when you explore it deeply enough.Beauty can awe, inspire and astonish,energize your spirit in ways that nothing else can.

Amazing…It’s beautiful!!
One of the nicest things you can do for yourself is to give yourself the time and space to simply take in the beauty that is around you.Beauty asks nothing more than to be treasured, and when you let yourself experience it, beauty has much to give.

There is beauty stretching out in all directions.Dive deeply into it, and it will make you more.

Won’t you simply take time to enjoy your each day of your life, and take time to reflect in the beauty of your life and the country in which you live?

Noushy Syah,UK.


What a Wonderful World!

Filed under: Inspirational,video — looking4good @ 2:01 am

“What a Wonderful World” was written by songwriters Bob Thiele and George David Weiss, first performed by Louis Armstrong, and released as a single in early fall 1967. Intended as an antidote for the increasingly racially and politically charged climate in the U.S. (and written specifically for Armstrong, who had broad crossover appeal), the song details the singer’s delight in the simple enjoyment of everyday life. The song also has a hopeful, optimistic tone with regard to the future, with reference to babies being born into the world and having much to which to look forward. The song was not initially a hit in the States, where it sold less than 1,000 copies, but was a major success in the UK, reaching number one in the UK singles chart.

Source: Wikipedia

Today, I´ll like to share a very special video with all of you.
“What a wonderful world” is one of the most beautiful songs that talks about our world.
One week ago, I made this video with pictures related to the song.
I worked with a Michael Buble´s cover of the song.

I hope you enjoy it!

Dominican Republic


“What a Wonderful World” fue escrita por Bob Thiele y George David Weiss, interpretada en inicio por Louis Armstrong, y lanzado como un sencillo en el 1967. Fue escrita con la intención de servir de antídoto al creciente clima racista y politico de la época ( especialmente para que Armstrong, realizara su crossover musical), la canción nos muestra detalles de cómo el cantante disfruta de la vida diaria. La canción tiene un mensaje de esperanza, un tono optimista respecto al futuro, con referencia a los bebés que nacen en el mundo y lo mucho que tenemos por adelante. La canción no fue un éxito en los Estados Unidos, donde vendió menos de 1,000 copias, pero fue un gran éxito en UK, llegando a ser número uno en las listas.

Fuente: Wikipedia

Hoy, me gustaría compartir un video muy especial con todos ustedes.

“What a wonderful world” es una de las canciones más hermosas, que nos habla de las cosas maravillosas que tenemos en nuestro mundo.

Hace una semana, realicé este video con imágenes relacionadas a la canción, utilizando como música el cover de Michael Buble.

!Espero que lo disfruten!