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Misha and Izzy – 1980 and 1996 Olympic mascots Julho 18, 2005

Filed under: Uncategorized — looking4good @ 11:47 pm
Do you remember ? On this day in 1980 began The Olympic Games in Moscow. United States and many other countries boycotted the Games because of the Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan . But don’t talk about sad things. I bring to you the mascot Misha – a nice bear.

Misha (Moscow, USSR 1980) – Hi! I’m Misha the Bear Cub. I was the mascot of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games. The people of Moscow chose me because there are alot of nice bears like me in Russia. The best part of my job as mascot was that I got to travel all over the world to spread the word about the Olympic Games. In fact, I even got to travel in space with two cosmonauts.

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Also on this day but in the year 1996 the 26th (summer) Olympic Games were started in Atlanta. The mascot of the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta was an amorphous abstract fantasy figure, created by International Mascots. It carried the name “Izzy”, derived from “Whatizit?” because no one seemed to know exactly what “Izzy” really was.


On this day in History – Jul 19

Filed under: Uncategorized — looking4good @ 10:59 pm
0711 – Muslim forces under Tariq ibn Ziyad defeat the Visigoths led by their king Roderic at the battle of Guadalete.
0810 –Muhammad ibn al-Bukhari was born. Schola.
1333 – Battle of Halidon Hill: the final battle of the Wars of Scottish Independence.
1374 – Petrarch, dies (b. 20 Jul 1304). Poet.
1415 – Philippa of Lancaster, dies. Queen of Portugal.
1500 – A esquadra de Pedro Álvares Cabral chega a Moçambique .
1500 – Morte de D. Miguel da Paz. Filho de D. Manuel I e a infanta D. Isabel.
1544 – The Siege of Boulogne began.
1553 – Lady Jane Grey is replaced by Mary I of England as Queen of England after having that title for just nine days.
1573 – Dr. John Caius, dies. Physician and author, founder of Caine College, Cambridge
1591 – Nascimento de São Vicente de Paulo, fundador das Congregações das Missões e das Irmãs de Caridade.
1598 – Gilbert Sheldon was born (d. 1677). Archbishop of Canterbury, erecter of the Sheldon theatre at Oxford
1692 – Rebecca Nurse, was born (d. 1621). Accused witch
1742 – William Somerville, dies. Author of The Chase
1763 – Nathaniel Hooke, dies. Historian and writer Author of Account of the Conduct of the Dowager Duchess of Marlborough (1742); Roman History from the Building of Rome to the Ruin of the Commonwealth, which appeared in 1738
1789 – John Martin, was born. English painter.
1799 – Napoleon’s troops discovered the Rosetta Stone, a tablet with hieroglyphic translations into Greek, at Rashid, Egypt. /As tropas francesas no Egipto descobrem a Pedra Roseta, uma laje com gravações em três línguas antigas que permitiram aos pesquisadores a tradução dos hieróglifos do antigo Egipto
1810 – Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz dies. Queen of Prussia
1814 – Samuel Colt, was born (d. 10 Jan 1862). American firearms manufacturer who popularized the Colt 45 revolver.
1814 – Captain Matthew Flinders, dies (b. 1774). English explorer of the coasts of Australia.
1817 – Mary Ann Bickerdyke was born. Nurse.
1819 – Gottfried Keller, was born in Zurich (d. 1890). Swiss writer (Der grune Heinrich).
1819 – Professor John Playfair, dies in Edinburgh. Writings in natural philosophy, geology, etc.
1824 – Agustin de Iturbide, Mexican leader, dies shot at Padillo gy soldiers of general Juan Losé de la Garza.
1830 – Com a recusa por parte do rei de França Carlos X, em aceitar os resultados das eleições, que tinham dado a vitória à oposição liberal, começa a «Revolução de Julho» em Paris. O rei abdicará sendo substituído pelo duque de Orleans, Luís Filipe.
1834 – Edgar Degas, was born (d. 27 Sep 1917). French painter and sculptor. The Bellelli Family (1862) Marguerite de Gas, the Artist’s Sister (1859); Hilaire de Gas, Grandfather of the Artist (1857); The Suffering of the City of New Orleans (1865); Portraits in a New Orleans Cotton office (1873); After the Bath (1883) ;Les Repasseuses (1885); etc.
1839 – Muere en la ciudad de México, el general insurgente don Ramón López Rayón, quien naciera el 31 de agosto de 1775, en Tlalpujahua, Michoacán.
1840 – Nascimento de José Manuel Emiliano Fernández de Balmaceda. Presidente chileno (1886-1891).
1846 – Edward Pickering was born in Boston, Mass. (d. Feb 1919). U.S. physicist and astronomer
1848 – Women’s rights: The two day Women’s Rights Convention opens in Seneca Falls, New York and the “Bloomers” are introduced at the feminist convention.
1848 – Mexico: El general Anastasio Bustamante fusila en las minas de La Valenciana, Guanajuato, al padre Marcelino Domeco Jarauta, quien valientemente sostuvo una guerrilla contra los invasores norteamericanos después de la caida de la ciudad de México.
1850 – Sarah Margaret Fuller, dies at sea, together with her husband and infant son, Angelo. (b. 1810). Writer.
1857 – Stefano Franscini, dies (b. 1796). Member of the Swiss Federal Council
1860 – Lizzie Borden, was born (d. 1927). Teacher, American accused murderess
1862 – American Civil War: Morgan’s Raid – At Buffington Island in Ohio, Confederate General John Hunt Morgan‘s raid into the north is mostly thwarted when a large group of his men are captured while trying to escape across the Ohio River.
1863 – Curtis Marbut was born (d. 25 Aug 1935). U.S. geologist and cofounder of modern soil science, who worked closely with experts from many countries to develop international classification systems for soil materials.
1865 – Georges Friedel was born (d. 1933). French crystallographer who formulated basic laws concerning the external morphology and internal structure of crystals.
1865 – Charles Horace Mayo was born in Rochester, Minn., (d. 26 May 1939). Surgeon and philanthropist, co-founder of the Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation.
1870 – Franco-Prussian War: France declares war on Prussia. / A França de Napoleão III, sobrinho de Napoleão Bonaparte, no poder em França desde 1854, declara guerra à Prússia, devido à escolha pela Espanha de um príncipe alemão, do ramo católico dos Hohenzollern, a casa reinante na Prússia.
1872 – Mexico: Tras la muerte del presidente Juárez, don Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada asume la presidencia por mandato de ley en su calidad de presidente de la Suprema Corte de Justicia.
1873 – William Gosse becomes the first European to discover Ayers Rock (Uluru) and names it in honour of South Australian Premier Sir Henry Ayers.
1875 – Alice Dunbar Nelson, was born (d. 1935). Author and poet
1876 – Joseph Fielding Smith, was born. President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
1879 – Doc Holliday kills for the first time after a man shoots up Holliday’s New Mexico saloon.
1883 – Max Fleischer, was born (d. 1992). Animator and film producer.
1885 – Nascia Aristides de Sousa Mendes en Cabanas de Viriato, perto de Nelas, junto à cidade de Viseu (m. 3 Abr 1954). Diplomata português que teve grande importância na salvação de milhares de judeus durante a 2ª. Guerra Mundial ao conceder-lhes “vistos”, à revelia das orientações do Governo. Em 1979 o Presidente Mário Soares concedeu-lhe, a título póstumo, a Ordem da Liberdade.
1886 – Morte do poeta português Cesário Verde (n. 23 Fev 1855).
1893 – Vladimir Mayakovsky, was born (d. 1930). Russian poet.
1894 – Khawaja Nazimuddin, was born (d. 1965). Second Prime Minister of Pakistan
1896 – A.J. Cronin, was born at Cardross, Dumbartonshire (d. 1981). Physician and novelist (The Citadel; The Keys of the Kingdom)
1898 – Herbert Marcuse, was born (d. 1979). Communist philosopher.
1900 – Fundação do primeiro clube de futebol do Brasil, o Sport Club Rio Grande.
1908 – Nascimento, em São Paulo, de Lelita Rosa (Maria Rosa Maccari). Actriz brasileira.
1909 – Fernando Fragoso, nascia em Lisboa (m. 1977). Argumentista [ O Costa do Castelo (1943); A Menina da Rádio (1944); O Grande Elias (1950); A Cruz de Ferro (1968) …] e realizador português.
1910 – Johann Gottfried Galle, dies (b. 1812). German astronomer.
1910 – Nascimento de Francisco Coloane . Escritor chileno.
1912 – A meteorite with an estimated mass of 190 kg exploded over the town of Holbrook in Navajo County, Arizona causing approximately 16,000 pieces of debris to rain down on the town. 1914 – Marius Russo,was born (d. 2005). Major League Baseball player.
1916 – Eve Merriam is born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. While growing up she watches birds and walks among the birch and dogwood trees, and later writes of these experiences. She will also write essays, articles, and biographies. In 1981, she will receive the National Council of the Teachers of English (NCTE) Award for Excellence in Poetry for Children.
1917 – William Scranton, was born. U.S. politician.
1920 – António Joaquim Granjo assume o cargo de primeiro-ministro de Portugal
1921 – Rosalyn Yalow, was born. American medical physicist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1977 (shared with Andrew and Roger Guillemin) for her development of the technique of radioimmunoassay (RIA) of peptide hormones.
1922 – George McGovern, was born. 1972 Democratic candidate for president of the United States.
1924 – Stanley K. Hathaway, was born. U.S. politician .
1924 – Pat Hingleactor was born. Actor: Batman, The Grifters, Splendor in the Grass, On the Waterfront, Norma Rae, Of Mice and Men
1927 – Jan Myrdal was born. Swedish writer, journalist (Albania Defiant).
1934 – Francisco Sá Carneiro, was born (d. 1980). Prime Minister of Portugal.
1940 – World War II: Battle of Cape Spada between the Royal Navy and the Regia Marina; the Italian light cruiser Bartolomeo Colleoni sinks, with 121 casualities.
1941 – Vikki Carr, was born. Singer.
1941 – Winston Churchill was the first to use the two-finger “V is for Victory” sign.
1942 – World War II: Battle of the AtlanticGerman Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz orders the last U-boats to withdraw from their United States Atlantic coast postions in response to the an effective American convoy system.
1943 – World War II: Rome is bombed by the Allies for the first time in the war.
1943 – Giuseppe Terragni dies (b. 1904). Italian architect.
1945 – Montgomery Ward is seized by United States Army troops at the direction of Attorney General Francis Biddle because of its refusal to obey National War Labor Board orders. Montgomery Ward chairman Seward Avery is carried out of his office by troops
1946 – Ilie Nastase, was born. Romanian tennis player. She won French Open [1973], U.S. Open [1972]
1947 – Brian May, was born. Guitarist (Queen)
1947 – Burmese nationalist Aung San was assassinated.
1947 – Aung San, dies. Burmese nationalist (assassinated)
1948 – Games of the XIV Olympiad opened in London.
1948 – Our Miss Brooks, starring Eve Arden and Gale Gordon, debuted on CBS radio this day in
1949 – Independência do Laos
1950 – Per-Kristian Foss, was born. Norwegian Minister of Finance.
1966 – Frank Sinatra (50) married the 20 -year-old actress Mia Farrow.
1951 – Abel Ferrara was born in The Bronx, New York. American director. Driller Killer (1979), Ms. 45 (1981),Fear City (1984) China Girl (1987), Cat Chaser (1988), King of New York (1990) Bad Lieutenant (1992), Dangerous Game (1993), Body Snatchers (1994) .
1951 – O rei Abdullah da Jordânia é assassinado em Jerusalém.
1955 – Yarkon Water Project opens to supply water to Negev desert in Israel
1961 – Campbell Scott was born in New York. American actor.
1962 – Anthony Edwards, was born. Actor
1964 – Vietnam War: At a rally in Saigon, South Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Khanh calls for expanding the war into North Vietnam.
1965 – Clyde Beatty, dies. Circus performer and big game hunter
1965 – Syngman Rhee, dies. First President of South Korea
1965 – Stuart Scott, was born. Sportscaster
1967 – A Piedmont Airlines Boeing 727 and a Cessna 310 collided in mid-air over Hendersonville, North Carolina killing 82
1971- Martin Powell, was born. Keyboardist (Cradle of Filth)
1972 – Hezekiah M. Washburn, dies (b. 1884). Missionary.
1973 – Scott Walker, was born. Hockey player.
1974 – Diogo Freitas do Amaral e Adelino Amaro da Costa fundam em Portugal, um partido de direita e de inspiração cristã, o CDS, Partido do Centro Democrático Social.
1976 – Sagarmatha National Park in Nepal is created.
1976 – Vinessa Shaw was born in Los Angeles, Califórnia. American actress. (1996 – Coyote Summer – 1996; CORKY ROMANO, 2001; 40 Days and 40 Nights – 2002 …).
1976 – A Assembleia Regional da Madeira inicia as suas actividades.
1978 – Topher Grace, was born. Actor
1979 – The Sandinista rebels overthrow the US-backed government of the Somoza family in Nicaragua.
1980 – Nihat Erim, Prime Minister of Turkey dies (assassinated) .
1980 – The Moscow Summer Olympics began. Many nations boycotted the games because of the Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan /Início dos Jogos Olimpícos de Moscovo, com a ausência de dúzias de nações que boicotaram os jogos devido à intervenção militar soviética no Afeganistão. Misha, um simpático urso, serviu de mascote.
1982 – A Junta Militar da Bolívia destitui o presidente Celso Torrelio.
1982 – Um forte terramoto afecta um quarto de El Salvador, deixando milhares de mortos e grandes perdas materiais.
1984 – Geraldine Ferraro became the first woman nominated for the vice-presidency by a major political party.
1985 – Janusz A. Zajdel, dies. Polish writer.
1985 – US Vice President George H. W. Bush announces that New Hampshire teacher Christa McAuliffe will become the first schoolteacher to ride aboard the Space Shuttle (see Space Shuttle Challenger).
1989 – A Douglas DC-10 carrying United Airlines flight 232 crashes in Sioux City, Iowa killing 112 but due to extraordinary efforts by the pilot and his crew, 184 on board survive.
1989 – O general Jaruzelski, candidato único, é eleito presidente da Polónia, com exactamente a metade e mais um votos no Parlamento.
1993 – Szymon Goldberg dies at 84. Polish violinist, conductor.
1996 – The 26th summer Olympics opening ceremonies began in Atlanta, Georgia/ Início das Olimpíadas de Atlanta (Estados Unidos).
2000 – Honduras ratifica o Protocolo de Kyoto.
1998 – Elmer Valo, dies (b. 1921). Baseball player.
2000 – In Okinawa over 25,000 demonstrators formed a chain around a US Air Base to protest American presence ahead of the G-8 meeting.
2001 – UK politician and novelist Jeffrey Archer, Lord Archer of Weston-Super-Mare, is sentenced to four years in prison for perjury and perverting the course of justice.
2002 – Alan Lomax, dies (b. 1915). American documenter of blues and folk songs.
2003 – Pierre Graber, dies (b. 1908). Member of the Swiss Federal Council.
2003 – Bill Bright, dies. Evangelist, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ
2004 – Reverend Francis Marzen, dies. Roman Catholic prelate
Roman festivalsLucaria
Malaysia – Birthday of Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Ng Sembilan
Myanmar – Martyr’s Day
Nicaragua – National Liberation Day
Catholic – Feast of St. Vincent De Paul
No Brasil comemora-se neste dia o Dia da Caridade e também o Dia Nacional do futebol

Portugal perdeu com a Grécia em Voleibol

Filed under: Uncategorized — looking4good @ 10:33 pm
Portugal perdeu o seu 1º. jogo da fase de apuramento europeia para o Mundial de Voleibol ao perder em Larissa com a Grécia por 3-2. Os parciais foram de 23-25 , 25-18, 24-26, 25-21 e 15-12. Como se vê Portugal esteve a liderar por 1-0 e 2-1 mas acabou derrotada e vê agora a sua qualificação muito dificultada. No outro jogo a Sérbia confirmou o seu favoritismo derrotando a Turquia por 3-1.

Intimidade – Fernando Namora

Filed under: Uncategorized — looking4good @ 8:31 pm

Que ninguém
hoje me diga nada.
Que ninguém venha abrir a minha mágoa,
esta dor sem nome
que eu desconheço donde vem
e o que me diz.
É mágoa.
Talvez seja um começo de amor.
Talvez, de novo, a dor e a euforia de ter vindo ao mundo.

Pode ser tudo isso, ou nada disso.
Mas não afirmo.
As palavras viriam revelar-me tudo.
E eu prefiro esta angústia de não saber de quê.

Fernando Namora (n. 15-4-1919, Condeixa-a-Nova; m. 31-1-1989 Lisboa)


Miguel rescinde unilateralmente com o Benfica

Filed under: Uncategorized — looking4good @ 8:24 pm
O que já se adivinhava concretiza-se agora. Miguel não está interessado em continuar no Benfica e então pede unilateralmente a rescisão do contrato. Não conhecemos os argumentos, mas se calhar por não ter condições psicológicas – mera especulação nossa.

Uma coisa não se deixa de estranhar. A linha de coerencia jurídica. Antes alegava que não tinha contrato com o Benfica. Que o contrato acabara. Agora pede a rescisão unilateral, alegando que estava em fase experimental. Fase experimental? Há quantoa anos Miguel já está no Benfica?
Ontem vi na TV um programa de humor sobre o estado da justiça. Com processos destes, não é precisa muita inspiração … ah) ah) ah).

De qualquer forma o Benfica em vez de contratar mais 3 ou 4 jogadores ( e já se houve essa história há tempo demais ) afinal perde um . Provavelmente irá encaixar uma indemnização (muito menor que os 10 milhões que pretendia para o transferir), mas que tem uma baixa no plantel, sobre isso não resta dúvidas.

O fim de semana desportivo…

Filed under: Uncategorized — looking4good @ 7:10 am
Começou mal o fim de semana desportivo para os benfiquistas com o anúncio da assinatura de Tomasson pelo Estugarda quando a imprensa e também os responsáveis do Benfica já o haviam dado como certo no clube.

O prato forte da preparação encarnada passava pelo jogo com o Chelsea. Perdendo por 0-1 o Benfica evidenciou coisas boas e outras … bem reveladoras das lacunas do plantel – Ver peça específica.

Mas outros factos desportivos ocorreram com boas informações para o panorama nacional.

Em raguebi, Portugal é tetracampeão de “SEVENS” ao derrrotar na final a Rússia por 28-26, depois de ter derrotado nas meias-finais a França! por 22-7. É obra.

No futsal (outdoor) Portugal, em Mangualde, derrotou com muitas dificuldades Angola na final do Mundialito por 9-6. Angola (que derrotara o Brasil) parece ter argumentos para aparecer em situação de destaque nesta modalidade.

No Europeu de juníores de Natação, às cinco medalhas já aqui anunciadas, Portugal adicionou mais duas. Diana Gomes é (bi)campeã porque conseguiu nos 100m bruços a medalha de ouro (repetindo a proeza que conseguira nos 200m bruços) ao vencer a prova com 1.10,09. Carlos Almeida, ainda no seu primeiro ano de junior, conseguiu a medalha de bronze nos 200m estilos.

Mas ainda tivemos mais outra medalha de bronze por Tiago Venancio (que já havia conquistado prata nos 200m livres) nos 100 m livres, em que fez a marca de 50,56 s. Oito medalhas (2-2-4) por quatro atletas diferentes é obra!

Mas o sucesso não ficou por aqui. Vanessa Fernandes sagrou-se pelo segundo ano consecutivo Campeã da Europa de triatlo, em sub-23, ao ganhar a prova disputada em Sófia, Bulgária.

Hoje na Grécia, Portugal faz o 1º. jogo da fase (final) de apuramento europeu para o Campeonato do Mundo de Voleibol. Portugal integra o Grupo J com a Sérvia, Grécia e Turquia, apurando-se directamente as duas primeiras. A Sérvia/Montenegro é favorita (ainda recentemente esteve em alto plano nos Jogos Mundias) e Portugal, em princípio, disputará com a anfitriã Grécia o 2º. lugar. Daí a importancia deste jogo que se disputa pelas 19 h que merecia ter (não sei se terá)cobertura televisiva para Portugal.

Como se vê o desporto português não é só futebol…

Today in History – Jul 18

Filed under: Uncategorized — looking4good @ 1:00 am
390 BC – Battle of the Allia: A Roman army is defeated by raiding Gauls, leading to the subsequent sacking of Rome.
0064 – Great fire of Rome: A fire begins to burn in the merchant area of Rome and soon burns completely out of control while Emperor Nero reportedly plays his lyre and sings while watching the blaze from a safe distance.
1195 – Battle of Alarcos, great victory of Almohad ruler Abu Yusuf Ya’qub al-Mansur over the Castilian King Alfonso VIII .
1216 – Início do pontificado do Papa Honorio III
1501 – Isabella of Burgundy, was born (d. 1526). Queen of Christian II of Denmark .
1534 – Zacharias Ursinus was born (d. 6 May 1583). German theologian.
1552 – Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor was born.
1610 – Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, dies (b. 1573). Italian artist.
1623 – Pope Gregory XV dies.
1634 – Johannes Camphuys, was born (d. 1695). Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies
1635 – Robert Hooke, was born (d. 3 Mar 1703). English physicist, who discovered the law of elasticity, known as Hooke’s law, and invented the balance spring for clocks. Hook is the author of Micrographia (1665)
1656 – Bernhard Fischer von Erlach was born. Architect.
1695 – Johannes Camphuys, dies (b. 1634). Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies.
1697 – Morte, em São Salvador da Baía, no Brasil do Padre António Vieira, missionário jesuíta e diplomata português.
1698 – Johann Heinrich Heidegger, dies. Swiss theologian.
1721 – Antoine Watteau, dies. French painter
1730 – François de Neufville, duc de Villeroi, dies (b. 1644). French soldier.
1792 – John Paul Jones, dies. American naval commander .
1808 – Nascimento de José Joaquim Leite Guimarães. Barão de Nova C intra – Portugal
1811 – William Makepeace Thackeray, was born (d. 1863). English author.
1817 – Jane Austen, dies in Winchester, Hampshire, (b. 16 Dec 1775). English novelist ( “Sense and Sensibility”:published 1811; “Pride and Prejudice”: published 1813; “Mansfield Park”: published 1813; “Emma”:published 1816; “Persuasion”:published 1818″; Northanger Abbey”:published 1818)
1821 – Pauline Garcia-Viardot, was born (d. 1910). Singer and composer.
1830 – Uruguay adopts its first constitution.
1834 – Nascimento de Próspero Fernández Oreamunon. Presidente da Costa Rica (1882-1885)1838 – Morte do físico e químico francês Pierre-Louis Dulong.
1841 – Coroação de D. Pedro II como Imperador do Brasil.
1845 – Tristan Corbière, was born (d. 1875). French poet.
1847 – Morte de Bento Gonçalves, militar e chefe da Revolução Farroupilha
1853 – Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, was born (d. 4 Feb 1928). Dutch physicist, Nobel Prize for Physics colaureate (with Pieter Zeeman) in 1902 for his theory of the influence of magnetism upon electromagnetic radiation phenomena.
1857 – Louis Faidherbe, French governor of Senegal, arrives to relieve French forces at Kayes, effectively ending El Hajj Umar Tall‘s war on the French.
1863 – American Civil War: The first formal African American military unit, the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, unsuccessfully assaults Confederate-held Fort Wagner but their valiant fighting still proves the worth of African American soldiers during the war.
1863 – Robert Gould Shaw dies. Colonel of the 54th Massachusetts infantry.
1864 – Ricarda Huch, was born (†17 Nov 1947). German writer.
1864 – Phillip Snowden, was born († 1937). British politician.
1869 – Charles Palache was born (d. 5 Dec 1954). He was one of the most eminent crystallographers and mineralogists of the world.
1870 – O Concílio Vaticano I define o dogma da infalibilidade papal.
1872 – Benito Juárez, dies. President of Mexico
1873 – Oscar II of Sweden-Norway is crowned king of Norway in Trondheim
1882 – Nascimento de Manuel Gálvez. Escritor argentino.
1883 – Nascimento de Ricardo Arenales. Poeta colombian.
1885 – Marino Moretti was born in Cesenatico. Italian poet and prose writer who will become a leader of the Crepuscolarismo movement in the early 20th century. His first major collection of poetry, Poesie scritte col lapis, (“Poems Written With a Pencil”), will be published in 1910 and achieve critical acclaimed.
1887 – Vidkun Quisling, was born (d. 1945). Norwegian politician and traitor.
1890 – Frank Forde, was born (d. 1983). Fifteenth Prime Minister of Australia.
1894 – Isaac Babel, was born (d. 1940). Ukrainian writer.
1898 – Marie and Pierre Curie announce the discovery of a new element and proposed to call it polonium.
1899 – Nascimento de Felipe Pinglo Alva († 13 May 1936). Poeta e compositor peruano
1902 – Nathalie Sarraute, was born (d. 1999). French writer
1902 – Jessamyn West, was born (d. 1984). writer.
1902 – Chill Wills, was born (d. 1978). Actor.
1906 – Clifford Odets, was born (d. 1963). Writer.
1906 – S. I. Hayakawa, was born in Vancouver, British Columbia (d. 1992). American semanticist and politician. The author of Language in Thought and Action will maintain: “In a real sense, people who have read good literature have lived more than people who cannot or will not read…. It is not true that we have only one life to live, we can live as many more lives and as many kinds of lives as we wish.”
1909 – Andrei Gromyko, was born (d. 1989). Soviet diplomat and President.
1909 – Mohammed Daoud Khan, was born (d. 1978). Afghani President.
1909 – Nascimento de María Guadalupe Villalobos Vélez (Lupe Vélez). (d. 13 Dec 1944). Actriz mexicana
1911 – Hume Cronyn, was born (d. 2003). American actor.
1913 – Red Skelton, was born (d. 1997). American actor and comedian .
1914 – The United States Army‘s Signal Corps is formed, giving definite status to its air service for the first time.
1918 – Nelson Mandela, was born. South African revolutionary and president .
1921 – John Glenn, was born. American astronaut and politician.
1922 – Thomas Kuhn, was born (d. 1996). American philosopher. Author of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962), one of the most influential works of history and philosophy written in the 20th century.
1923 – Jerome H. Lemelson, was born (d. 1997). American inventor.
1924 – Muere el poeta y dramaturgo Àngel Guimerà.
1925 – Shirley Strickland, was born. Australian athlete.
1925 – Adolf Hitler publishes his personal manifesto Mein Kampf.
1927 – Ludwig Harig, was born. Writer .
1927 – Kurt Masur, was born. Silesian-born conductor .
1929 – Dick Button, was born. Figure skater.
1929 – Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, was born (d. 2000). American singer.
1930 – Inauguração do Estádio Centenário – Uruguai
1933 – Yevgeny Yevtushenko, was born. Russian poet (Babi Yar)
1935 – Jayendra Saraswathi, was born. Hindu religious leader
1937 – Roald Hoffman, was born. Polish-born American chemist and Nobel Prize for Chemistry co-laureate in 1981, with Fukui Kenichi of Japan, for their independent investigations of the mechanisms of chemical reactions.
1937 – Hunter S. Thompson, was born (d. 2005). journalist and author.
1938 – Paul Verhoeven was born. Dutch film director.
1940 – James Brolin, was born. Actor.
1940 – Joe Torre, was born. Baseball player and manager.
1941 – Martha Reeves, was born. Singer.
1942 – World War II: The Germans test fly the Messerschmitt Me-262 using only its jets for the first time.
1942 – Nascimento de Giacinto Facchetti. Jogador italiano de futebol.
1944 – World War II: Hideki Tojo resigns as Prime Minister of Japan due to numerous setbacks in the war effort.
1947 – President Harry S. Truman signs the Presidential Succession Act into law which places the Speaker of the United Stated House of Representatives Senate President Pro Tempore next in the line of succession after the United States Vice President.
1947 – Steve Forbes,was born. Entrepreneur, politician.
1948 – Hartmut Michel was born. German biochemist who, along with Johann Deisenhofer and Robert Huber, received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1988 for their determination of the three-dimensional structure of certain proteins that are essential for photosynthesis.
1949 – Vítězslav Novák, dies. Composer.
1950 – Sir Richard Branson, was born. Entrepreneur .
1951 – Jersey Joe Walcott KOs Ezzard Charles in 5 for heavyweight belt.
1958 – Henri Farman dies (b. 1874). French aviator and aircraft constructor who developed ailerons (1908) to solve the enormously difficult and dangerous problems of lateral control
1962 – Jack Irons, was born. Original Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer.
1962 – Golpe militar no Perú depõe o presidente Manuel Prado
1963 – Martín Torrijos Espino, was born. President of Panama .
1963 – Mike Greenwell, was born. Baseball player
1967 – Castello Branco dies (b. 1900). 35th President of Brasil (15 Apr1964 – 15 Mar 1967).
1967 – Vin Diesel, was born. American actor
1968 – Vietnam War: The two-day Honolulu Conference begins in Honolulu, Hawaii between US President Lyndon B. Johnson and South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu.
1968 – Intel ( inventor of the microchip), is incorporated.
1968 – Corneille Heymans dies (b. 28 Mar 1892). Belgian physiologist who received the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1938 for his discovery of the regulatory effect on respiration of sensory organs associated with the carotid artery in the neck and with the aortic arch leading from the heart (1927-29).
1969 – Masanori Murakawa, was born. Japanese professional wrestler
1969 – After a party on Chappaquiddick Island, Senator Ted Kennedy from Massachusetts drives an Oldsmobile off a wooden bridge into a tide-swept pond and his passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne, dies.
1969 – Barbara Pepper dies at 57. Actress (Doris Ziffel-Green Acres)
1969 – Apollo 11 makes preparations for landing on the Moon.
1974 – Portugal- Tomada de posse do 2º. Governo Provisório: Vasco dos Santos Gonçalves assume o cargo de primeiro-ministro. Vitorino Magalhães Godinho é o Ministro da Educação e Cultura.
1975 – Torii Hunter, was born. Bbaseball player
1975 – Daron Malakian,was born. Guitarist (System of a Down)
1976 – Gymnast Nadia Comaneci, aged 14, scores first ever perfect 10 at the Olympics.
1977 – Morte, em Coimbra, do psiquiatra português Elysio de Moura (n. 3 Ago 1877, em Braga) 1978 – Ben Sheets, was born. Baseball player.
1980 – Nascimento, no Rio de Janeiro, de Rocco Pitanga. Actor brasileiro.
1980 – Catalina Maya was born in Medellin, Colombia. Top model and actress.
1982 – 268 campesinos are slain in the Plan de Sánchez massacre in Ríos Montt‘s Guatemala.
1984 – McDonald’s massacre in San Ysidro, California: In a fast-food resturant, James Oliver Huberty kills 21 people and injures 19 others before being shot dead by police.
1986 – A tornado is broadcast live on KARE television in Minnesota when the station’s helicopter pilot makes a chance encounter.
1986 – The motion picture Aliens opens in theaters.
1987 – Gilberto Freyre, dies (b. 1900). Brasilian writer. Organizer of the first northeastern regionalist congress in Recife. Casa-grande e senzala (The Masters and the Slaves, 1933), the story of Brazil’s Portuguese colonizers and their African slaves, is his best-known work.
1988 – Nico dies. German-American model and singer.
1988 – Morte do compositor português Joly Braga Santos (n. 14 Mai 1924)
1989 – Rebecca Schaeffer actress (My Sister Sam) is shot by a fan at 21
1990 – Yoon Boseon dies. President of South Korea
1990 – Eliana Macedo dies. Brasilien actress.
1992 – The ten victims of the La Cantuta massacre disappeared from their university in Lima.
1994 – In Buenos Aires, an explosion destroys a building housing several Jewish organizations killing 85 and injuring many more.
1995 – On the Caribbean island of Montserrat, the Soufriere Hills volcano erupts. Over the course of several years, it devastates the island, destroying the capital and forcing most of the population to flee.
1996 – Storms provoke severe flooding on the Saguenay River in Quebec, beginning one of Canada‘s costliest natural disasters ever.
1996 – In an event very similar to the Oklahoma tornado that would occur three years later, a tornado ranking as a F5 hit the town of Oakfield, Wisconsin.
1997 – 8000 low-caste Indians riot in Mumbai (Bombay) following a funeral for 10 children who had been killed by police.
1997 – Gene Shoemaker dies (b. 28 Apr 1928). American planetary geologist.
2001 – In Baltimore, Maryland, a 60-car train derails in a tunnel, sparking a fire that will last days and virtually shut down downtown Baltimore.
2001 – Fabio Taglioni dies. Italian automotive engineer.
2002 – Morte do actor brasileiro Gerson de Abreu
2004 – Paul Foot dies. British journalist.
2004 – Seleção brasileira masculina de Voleibol vence a Itália e conquista o 4º título da Liga Mundial
2005 – Lançada a Antologia República dos Poetas, no Museu da República, no Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). É a primeira marca oficial do movimento poético que explodia na cidade desde 1999.
UruguayConstitution Day
JapanMarine Day (3rd Monday of July, 2005)

Today in History – Jul 18

Filed under: Uncategorized — looking4good @ 1:00 am
390 BC – Battle of the Allia: A Roman army is defeated by raiding Gauls, leading to the subsequent sacking of Rome.
0064 – Great fire of Rome: A fire begins to burn in the merchant area of Rome and soon burns completely out of control while Emperor Nero reportedly plays his lyre and sings while watching the blaze from a safe distance.
1195 – Battle of Alarcos, great victory of Almohad ruler Abu Yusuf Ya’qub al-Mansur over the Castilian King Alfonso VIII .
1216 – Início do pontificado do Papa Honorio III
1501 – Isabella of Burgundy, was born (d. 1526). Queen of Christian II of Denmark .
1534 – Zacharias Ursinus was born (d. 6 May 1583). German theologian.
1552 – Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor was born.
1610 – Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, dies (b. 1573). Italian artist.
1623 – Pope Gregory XV dies.
1634 – Johannes Camphuys, was born (d. 1695). Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies
1635 – Robert Hooke, was born (d. 3 Mar 1703). English physicist, who discovered the law of elasticity, known as Hooke’s law, and invented the balance spring for clocks. Hook is the author of Micrographia (1665)
1656 – Bernhard Fischer von Erlach was born. Architect.
1695 – Johannes Camphuys, dies (b. 1634). Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies.
1697 – Morte, em São Salvador da Baía, no Brasil do Padre António Vieira, missionário jesuíta e diplomata português.
1698 – Johann Heinrich Heidegger, dies. Swiss theologian.
1721 – Antoine Watteau, dies. French painter
1730 – François de Neufville, duc de Villeroi, dies (b. 1644). French soldier.
1792 – John Paul Jones, dies. American naval commander .
1808 – Nascimento de José Joaquim Leite Guimarães. Barão de Nova C intra – Portugal
1811 – William Makepeace Thackeray, was born (d. 1863). English author.
1817 – Jane Austen, dies in Winchester, Hampshire, (b. 16 Dec 1775). English novelist ( “Sense and Sensibility”:published 1811; “Pride and Prejudice”: published 1813; “Mansfield Park”: published 1813; “Emma”:published 1816; “Persuasion”:published 1818″; Northanger Abbey”:published 1818)
1821 – Pauline Garcia-Viardot, was born (d. 1910). Singer and composer.
1830 – Uruguay adopts its first constitution.
1834 – Nascimento de Próspero Fernández Oreamunon. Presidente da Costa Rica (1882-1885)1838 – Morte do físico e químico francês Pierre-Louis Dulong.
1841 – Coroação de D. Pedro II como Imperador do Brasil.
1845 – Tristan Corbière, was born (d. 1875). French poet.
1847 – Morte de Bento Gonçalves, militar e chefe da Revolução Farroupilha
1853 – Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, was born (d. 4 Feb 1928). Dutch physicist, Nobel Prize for Physics colaureate (with Pieter Zeeman) in 1902 for his theory of the influence of magnetism upon electromagnetic radiation phenomena.
1857 – Louis Faidherbe, French governor of Senegal, arrives to relieve French forces at Kayes, effectively ending El Hajj Umar Tall‘s war on the French.
1863 – American Civil War: The first formal African American military unit, the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, unsuccessfully assaults Confederate-held Fort Wagner but their valiant fighting still proves the worth of African American soldiers during the war.
1863 – Robert Gould Shaw dies. Colonel of the 54th Massachusetts infantry.
1864 – Ricarda Huch, was born (†17 Nov 1947). German writer.
1864 – Phillip Snowden, was born († 1937). British politician.
1869 – Charles Palache was born (d. 5 Dec 1954). He was one of the most eminent crystallographers and mineralogists of the world.
1870 – O Concílio Vaticano I define o dogma da infalibilidade papal.
1872 – Benito Juárez, dies. President of Mexico
1873 – Oscar II of Sweden-Norway is crowned king of Norway in Trondheim
1882 – Nascimento de Manuel Gálvez. Escritor argentino.
1883 – Nascimento de Ricardo Arenales. Poeta colombian.
1885 – Marino Moretti was born in Cesenatico. Italian poet and prose writer who will become a leader of the Crepuscolarismo movement in the early 20th century. His first major collection of poetry, Poesie scritte col lapis, (“Poems Written With a Pencil”), will be published in 1910 and achieve critical acclaimed.
1887 – Vidkun Quisling, was born (d. 1945). Norwegian politician and traitor.
1890 – Frank Forde, was born (d. 1983). Fifteenth Prime Minister of Australia.
1894 – Isaac Babel, was born (d. 1940). Ukrainian writer.
1898 – Marie and Pierre Curie announce the discovery of a new element and proposed to call it polonium.
1899 – Nascimento de Felipe Pinglo Alva († 13 May 1936). Poeta e compositor peruano
1902 – Nathalie Sarraute, was born (d. 1999). French writer
1902 – Jessamyn West, was born (d. 1984). writer.
1902 – Chill Wills, was born (d. 1978). Actor.
1906 – Clifford Odets, was born (d. 1963). Writer.
1906 – S. I. Hayakawa, was born in Vancouver, British Columbia (d. 1992). American semanticist and politician. The author of Language in Thought and Action will maintain: “In a real sense, people who have read good literature have lived more than people who cannot or will not read…. It is not true that we have only one life to live, we can live as many more lives and as many kinds of lives as we wish.”
1909 – Andrei Gromyko, was born (d. 1989). Soviet diplomat and President.
1909 – Mohammed Daoud Khan, was born (d. 1978). Afghani President.
1909 – Nascimento de María Guadalupe Villalobos Vélez (Lupe Vélez). (d. 13 Dec 1944). Actriz mexicana
1911 – Hume Cronyn, was born (d. 2003). American actor.
1913 – Red Skelton, was born (d. 1997). American actor and comedian .
1914 – The United States Army‘s Signal Corps is formed, giving definite status to its air service for the first time.
1918 – Nelson Mandela, was born. South African revolutionary and president .
1921 – John Glenn, was born. American astronaut and politician.
1922 – Thomas Kuhn, was born (d. 1996). American philosopher. Author of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962), one of the most influential works of history and philosophy written in the 20th century.
1923 – Jerome H. Lemelson, was born (d. 1997). American inventor.
1924 – Muere el poeta y dramaturgo Àngel Guimerà.
1925 – Shirley Strickland, was born. Australian athlete.
1925 – Adolf Hitler publishes his personal manifesto Mein Kampf.
1927 – Ludwig Harig, was born. Writer .
1927 – Kurt Masur, was born. Silesian-born conductor .
1929 – Dick Button, was born. Figure skater.
1929 – Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, was born (d. 2000). American singer.
1930 – Inauguração do Estádio Centenário – Uruguai
1933 – Yevgeny Yevtushenko, was born. Russian poet (Babi Yar)
1935 – Jayendra Saraswathi, was born. Hindu religious leader
1937 – Roald Hoffman, was born. Polish-born American chemist and Nobel Prize for Chemistry co-laureate in 1981, with Fukui Kenichi of Japan, for their independent investigations of the mechanisms of chemical reactions.
1937 – Hunter S. Thompson, was born (d. 2005). journalist and author.
1938 – Paul Verhoeven was born. Dutch film director.
1940 – James Brolin, was born. Actor.
1940 – Joe Torre, was born. Baseball player and manager.
1941 – Martha Reeves, was born. Singer.
1942 – World War II: The Germans test fly the Messerschmitt Me-262 using only its jets for the first time.
1942 – Nascimento de Giacinto Facchetti. Jogador italiano de futebol.
1944 – World War II: Hideki Tojo resigns as Prime Minister of Japan due to numerous setbacks in the war effort.
1947 – President Harry S. Truman signs the Presidential Succession Act into law which places the Speaker of the United Stated House of Representatives Senate President Pro Tempore next in the line of succession after the United States Vice President.
1947 – Steve Forbes,was born. Entrepreneur, politician.
1948 – Hartmut Michel was born. German biochemist who, along with Johann Deisenhofer and Robert Huber, received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1988 for their determination of the three-dimensional structure of certain proteins that are essential for photosynthesis.
1949 – Vítězslav Novák, dies. Composer.
1950 – Sir Richard Branson, was born. Entrepreneur .
1951 – Jersey Joe Walcott KOs Ezzard Charles in 5 for heavyweight belt.
1958 – Henri Farman dies (b. 1874). French aviator and aircraft constructor who developed ailerons (1908) to solve the enormously difficult and dangerous problems of lateral control
1962 – Jack Irons, was born. Original Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer.
1962 – Golpe militar no Perú depõe o presidente Manuel Prado
1963 – Martín Torrijos Espino, was born. President of Panama .
1963 – Mike Greenwell, was born. Baseball player
1967 – Castello Branco dies (b. 1900). 35th President of Brasil (15 Apr1964 – 15 Mar 1967).
1967 – Vin Diesel, was born. American actor
1968 – Vietnam War: The two-day Honolulu Conference begins in Honolulu, Hawaii between US President Lyndon B. Johnson and South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu.
1968 – Intel ( inventor of the microchip), is incorporated.
1968 – Corneille Heymans dies (b. 28 Mar 1892). Belgian physiologist who received the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1938 for his discovery of the regulatory effect on respiration of sensory organs associated with the carotid artery in the neck and with the aortic arch leading from the heart (1927-29).
1969 – Masanori Murakawa, was born. Japanese professional wrestler
1969 – After a party on Chappaquiddick Island, Senator Ted Kennedy from Massachusetts drives an Oldsmobile off a wooden bridge into a tide-swept pond and his passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne, dies.
1969 – Barbara Pepper dies at 57. Actress (Doris Ziffel-Green Acres)
1969 – Apollo 11 makes preparations for landing on the Moon.
1974 – Portugal- Tomada de posse do 2º. Governo Provisório: Vasco dos Santos Gonçalves assume o cargo de primeiro-ministro. Vitorino Magalhães Godinho é o Ministro da Educação e Cultura.
1975 – Torii Hunter, was born. Bbaseball player
1975 – Daron Malakian,was born. Guitarist (System of a Down)
1976 – Gymnast Nadia Comaneci, aged 14, scores first ever perfect 10 at the Olympics.
1977 – Morte, em Coimbra, do psiquiatra português Elysio de Moura (n. 3 Ago 1877, em Braga) 1978 – Ben Sheets, was born. Baseball player.
1980 – Nascimento, no Rio de Janeiro, de Rocco Pitanga. Actor brasileiro.
1980 – Catalina Maya was born in Medellin, Colombia. Top model and actress.
1982 – 268 campesinos are slain in the Plan de Sánchez massacre in Ríos Montt‘s Guatemala.
1984 – McDonald’s massacre in San Ysidro, California: In a fast-food resturant, James Oliver Huberty kills 21 people and injures 19 others before being shot dead by police.
1986 – A tornado is broadcast live on KARE television in Minnesota when the station’s helicopter pilot makes a chance encounter.
1986 – The motion picture Aliens opens in theaters.
1987 – Gilberto Freyre, dies (b. 1900). Brasilian writer. Organizer of the first northeastern regionalist congress in Recife. Casa-grande e senzala (The Masters and the Slaves, 1933), the story of Brazil’s Portuguese colonizers and their African slaves, is his best-known work.
1988 – Nico dies. German-American model and singer.
1988 – Morte do compositor português Joly Braga Santos (n. 14 Mai 1924)
1989 – Rebecca Schaeffer actress (My Sister Sam) is shot by a fan at 21
1990 – Yoon Boseon dies. President of South Korea
1990 – Eliana Macedo dies. Brasilien actress.
1992 – The ten victims of the La Cantuta massacre disappeared from their university in Lima.
1994 – In Buenos Aires, an explosion destroys a building housing several Jewish organizations killing 85 and injuring many more.
1995 – On the Caribbean island of Montserrat, the Soufriere Hills volcano erupts. Over the course of several years, it devastates the island, destroying the capital and forcing most of the population to flee.
1996 – Storms provoke severe flooding on the Saguenay River in Quebec, beginning one of Canada‘s costliest natural disasters ever.
1996 – In an event very similar to the Oklahoma tornado that would occur three years later, a tornado ranking as a F5 hit the town of Oakfield, Wisconsin.
1997 – 8000 low-caste Indians riot in Mumbai (Bombay) following a funeral for 10 children who had been killed by police.
1997 – Gene Shoemaker dies (b. 28 Apr 1928). American planetary geologist.
2001 – In Baltimore, Maryland, a 60-car train derails in a tunnel, sparking a fire that will last days and virtually shut down downtown Baltimore.
2001 – Fabio Taglioni dies. Italian automotive engineer.
2002 – Morte do actor brasileiro Gerson de Abreu
2004 – Paul Foot dies. British journalist.
2004 – Seleção brasileira masculina de Voleibol vence a Itália e conquista o 4º título da Liga Mundial
2005 – Lançada a Antologia República dos Poetas, no Museu da República, no Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). É a primeira marca oficial do movimento poético que explodia na cidade desde 1999.
UruguayConstitution Day
JapanMarine Day (3rd Monday of July, 2005)

Today in History – Jul 18

Filed under: Uncategorized — looking4good @ 1:00 am
390 BC – Battle of the Allia: A Roman army is defeated by raiding Gauls, leading to the subsequent sacking of Rome.
0064 – Great fire of Rome: A fire begins to burn in the merchant area of Rome and soon burns completely out of control while Emperor Nero reportedly plays his lyre and sings while watching the blaze from a safe distance.
1195 – Battle of Alarcos, great victory of Almohad ruler Abu Yusuf Ya’qub al-Mansur over the Castilian King Alfonso VIII .
1216 – Início do pontificado do Papa Honorio III
1501 – Isabella of Burgundy, was born (d. 1526). Queen of Christian II of Denmark .
1534 – Zacharias Ursinus was born (d. 6 May 1583). German theologian.
1552 – Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor was born.
1610 – Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, dies (b. 1573). Italian artist.
1623 – Pope Gregory XV dies.
1634 – Johannes Camphuys, was born (d. 1695). Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies
1635 – Robert Hooke, was born (d. 3 Mar 1703). English physicist, who discovered the law of elasticity, known as Hooke’s law, and invented the balance spring for clocks. Hook is the author of Micrographia (1665)
1656 – Bernhard Fischer von Erlach was born. Architect.
1695 – Johannes Camphuys, dies (b. 1634). Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies.
1697 – Morte, em São Salvador da Baía, no Brasil do Padre António Vieira, missionário jesuíta e diplomata português.
1698 – Johann Heinrich Heidegger, dies. Swiss theologian.
1721 – Antoine Watteau, dies. French painter
1730 – François de Neufville, duc de Villeroi, dies (b. 1644). French soldier.
1792 – John Paul Jones, dies. American naval commander .
1808 – Nascimento de José Joaquim Leite Guimarães. Barão de Nova C intra – Portugal
1811 – William Makepeace Thackeray, was born (d. 1863). English author.
1817 – Jane Austen, dies in Winchester, Hampshire, (b. 16 Dec 1775). English novelist ( “Sense and Sensibility”:published 1811; “Pride and Prejudice”: published 1813; “Mansfield Park”: published 1813; “Emma”:published 1816; “Persuasion”:published 1818″; Northanger Abbey”:published 1818)
1821 – Pauline Garcia-Viardot, was born (d. 1910). Singer and composer.
1830 – Uruguay adopts its first constitution.
1834 – Nascimento de Próspero Fernández Oreamunon. Presidente da Costa Rica (1882-1885)1838 – Morte do físico e químico francês Pierre-Louis Dulong.
1841 – Coroação de D. Pedro II como Imperador do Brasil.
1845 – Tristan Corbière, was born (d. 1875). French poet.
1847 – Morte de Bento Gonçalves, militar e chefe da Revolução Farroupilha
1853 – Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, was born (d. 4 Feb 1928). Dutch physicist, Nobel Prize for Physics colaureate (with Pieter Zeeman) in 1902 for his theory of the influence of magnetism upon electromagnetic radiation phenomena.
1857 – Louis Faidherbe, French governor of Senegal, arrives to relieve French forces at Kayes, effectively ending El Hajj Umar Tall‘s war on the French.
1863 – American Civil War: The first formal African American military unit, the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, unsuccessfully assaults Confederate-held Fort Wagner but their valiant fighting still proves the worth of African American soldiers during the war.
1863 – Robert Gould Shaw dies. Colonel of the 54th Massachusetts infantry.
1864 – Ricarda Huch, was born (†17 Nov 1947). German writer.
1864 – Phillip Snowden, was born († 1937). British politician.
1869 – Charles Palache was born (d. 5 Dec 1954). He was one of the most eminent crystallographers and mineralogists of the world.
1870 – O Concílio Vaticano I define o dogma da infalibilidade papal.
1872 – Benito Juárez, dies. President of Mexico
1873 – Oscar II of Sweden-Norway is crowned king of Norway in Trondheim
1882 – Nascimento de Manuel Gálvez. Escritor argentino.
1883 – Nascimento de Ricardo Arenales. Poeta colombian.
1885 – Marino Moretti was born in Cesenatico. Italian poet and prose writer who will become a leader of the Crepuscolarismo movement in the early 20th century. His first major collection of poetry, Poesie scritte col lapis, (“Poems Written With a Pencil”), will be published in 1910 and achieve critical acclaimed.
1887 – Vidkun Quisling, was born (d. 1945). Norwegian politician and traitor.
1890 – Frank Forde, was born (d. 1983). Fifteenth Prime Minister of Australia.
1894 – Isaac Babel, was born (d. 1940). Ukrainian writer.
1898 – Marie and Pierre Curie announce the discovery of a new element and proposed to call it polonium.
1899 – Nascimento de Felipe Pinglo Alva († 13 May 1936). Poeta e compositor peruano
1902 – Nathalie Sarraute, was born (d. 1999). French writer
1902 – Jessamyn West, was born (d. 1984). writer.
1902 – Chill Wills, was born (d. 1978). Actor.
1906 – Clifford Odets, was born (d. 1963). Writer.
1906 – S. I. Hayakawa, was born in Vancouver, British Columbia (d. 1992). American semanticist and politician. The author of Language in Thought and Action will maintain: “In a real sense, people who have read good literature have lived more than people who cannot or will not read…. It is not true that we have only one life to live, we can live as many more lives and as many kinds of lives as we wish.”
1909 – Andrei Gromyko, was born (d. 1989). Soviet diplomat and President.
1909 – Mohammed Daoud Khan, was born (d. 1978). Afghani President.
1909 – Nascimento de María Guadalupe Villalobos Vélez (Lupe Vélez). (d. 13 Dec 1944). Actriz mexicana
1911 – Hume Cronyn, was born (d. 2003). American actor.
1913 – Red Skelton, was born (d. 1997). American actor and comedian .
1914 – The United States Army‘s Signal Corps is formed, giving definite status to its air service for the first time.
1918 – Nelson Mandela, was born. South African revolutionary and president .
1921 – John Glenn, was born. American astronaut and politician.
1922 – Thomas Kuhn, was born (d. 1996). American philosopher. Author of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962), one of the most influential works of history and philosophy written in the 20th century.
1923 – Jerome H. Lemelson, was born (d. 1997). American inventor.
1924 – Muere el poeta y dramaturgo Àngel Guimerà.
1925 – Shirley Strickland, was born. Australian athlete.
1925 – Adolf Hitler publishes his personal manifesto Mein Kampf.
1927 – Ludwig Harig, was born. Writer .
1927 – Kurt Masur, was born. Silesian-born conductor .
1929 – Dick Button, was born. Figure skater.
1929 – Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, was born (d. 2000). American singer.
1930 – Inauguração do Estádio Centenário – Uruguai
1933 – Yevgeny Yevtushenko, was born. Russian poet (Babi Yar)
1935 – Jayendra Saraswathi, was born. Hindu religious leader
1937 – Roald Hoffman, was born. Polish-born American chemist and Nobel Prize for Chemistry co-laureate in 1981, with Fukui Kenichi of Japan, for their independent investigations of the mechanisms of chemical reactions.
1937 – Hunter S. Thompson, was born (d. 2005). journalist and author.
1938 – Paul Verhoeven was born. Dutch film director.
1940 – James Brolin, was born. Actor.
1940 – Joe Torre, was born. Baseball player and manager.
1941 – Martha Reeves, was born. Singer.
1942 – World War II: The Germans test fly the Messerschmitt Me-262 using only its jets for the first time.
1942 – Nascimento de Giacinto Facchetti. Jogador italiano de futebol.
1944 – World War II: Hideki Tojo resigns as Prime Minister of Japan due to numerous setbacks in the war effort.
1947 – President Harry S. Truman signs the Presidential Succession Act into law which places the Speaker of the United Stated House of Representatives Senate President Pro Tempore next in the line of succession after the United States Vice President.
1947 – Steve Forbes,was born. Entrepreneur, politician.
1948 – Hartmut Michel was born. German biochemist who, along with Johann Deisenhofer and Robert Huber, received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1988 for their determination of the three-dimensional structure of certain proteins that are essential for photosynthesis.
1949 – Vítězslav Novák, dies. Composer.
1950 – Sir Richard Branson, was born. Entrepreneur .
1951 – Jersey Joe Walcott KOs Ezzard Charles in 5 for heavyweight belt.
1958 – Henri Farman dies (b. 1874). French aviator and aircraft constructor who developed ailerons (1908) to solve the enormously difficult and dangerous problems of lateral control
1962 – Jack Irons, was born. Original Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer.
1962 – Golpe militar no Perú depõe o presidente Manuel Prado
1963 – Martín Torrijos Espino, was born. President of Panama .
1963 – Mike Greenwell, was born. Baseball player
1967 – Castello Branco dies (b. 1900). 35th President of Brasil (15 Apr1964 – 15 Mar 1967).
1967 – Vin Diesel, was born. American actor
1968 – Vietnam War: The two-day Honolulu Conference begins in Honolulu, Hawaii between US President Lyndon B. Johnson and South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu.
1968 – Intel ( inventor of the microchip), is incorporated.
1968 – Corneille Heymans dies (b. 28 Mar 1892). Belgian physiologist who received the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1938 for his discovery of the regulatory effect on respiration of sensory organs associated with the carotid artery in the neck and with the aortic arch leading from the heart (1927-29).
1969 – Masanori Murakawa, was born. Japanese professional wrestler
1969 – After a party on Chappaquiddick Island, Senator Ted Kennedy from Massachusetts drives an Oldsmobile off a wooden bridge into a tide-swept pond and his passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne, dies.
1969 – Barbara Pepper dies at 57. Actress (Doris Ziffel-Green Acres)
1969 – Apollo 11 makes preparations for landing on the Moon.
1974 – Portugal- Tomada de posse do 2º. Governo Provisório: Vasco dos Santos Gonçalves assume o cargo de primeiro-ministro. Vitorino Magalhães Godinho é o Ministro da Educação e Cultura.
1975 – Torii Hunter, was born. Bbaseball player
1975 – Daron Malakian,was born. Guitarist (System of a Down)
1976 – Gymnast Nadia Comaneci, aged 14, scores first ever perfect 10 at the Olympics.
1977 – Morte, em Coimbra, do psiquiatra português Elysio de Moura (n. 3 Ago 1877, em Braga) 1978 – Ben Sheets, was born. Baseball player.
1980 – Nascimento, no Rio de Janeiro, de Rocco Pitanga. Actor brasileiro.
1980 – Catalina Maya was born in Medellin, Colombia. Top model and actress.
1982 – 268 campesinos are slain in the Plan de Sánchez massacre in Ríos Montt‘s Guatemala.
1984 – McDonald’s massacre in San Ysidro, California: In a fast-food resturant, James Oliver Huberty kills 21 people and injures 19 others before being shot dead by police.
1986 – A tornado is broadcast live on KARE television in Minnesota when the station’s helicopter pilot makes a chance encounter.
1986 – The motion picture Aliens opens in theaters.
1987 – Gilberto Freyre, dies (b. 1900). Brasilian writer. Organizer of the first northeastern regionalist congress in Recife. Casa-grande e senzala (The Masters and the Slaves, 1933), the story of Brazil’s Portuguese colonizers and their African slaves, is his best-known work.
1988 – Nico dies. German-American model and singer.
1988 – Morte do compositor português Joly Braga Santos (n. 14 Mai 1924)
1989 – Rebecca Schaeffer actress (My Sister Sam) is shot by a fan at 21
1990 – Yoon Boseon dies. President of South Korea
1990 – Eliana Macedo dies. Brasilien actress.
1992 – The ten victims of the La Cantuta massacre disappeared from their university in Lima.
1994 – In Buenos Aires, an explosion destroys a building housing several Jewish organizations killing 85 and injuring many more.
1995 – On the Caribbean island of Montserrat, the Soufriere Hills volcano erupts. Over the course of several years, it devastates the island, destroying the capital and forcing most of the population to flee.
1996 – Storms provoke severe flooding on the Saguenay River in Quebec, beginning one of Canada‘s costliest natural disasters ever.
1996 – In an event very similar to the Oklahoma tornado that would occur three years later, a tornado ranking as a F5 hit the town of Oakfield, Wisconsin.
1997 – 8000 low-caste Indians riot in Mumbai (Bombay) following a funeral for 10 children who had been killed by police.
1997 – Gene Shoemaker dies (b. 28 Apr 1928). American planetary geologist.
2001 – In Baltimore, Maryland, a 60-car train derails in a tunnel, sparking a fire that will last days and virtually shut down downtown Baltimore.
2001 – Fabio Taglioni dies. Italian automotive engineer.
2002 – Morte do actor brasileiro Gerson de Abreu
2004 – Paul Foot dies. British journalist.
2004 – Seleção brasileira masculina de Voleibol vence a Itália e conquista o 4º título da Liga Mundial
2005 – Lançada a Antologia República dos Poetas, no Museu da República, no Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). É a primeira marca oficial do movimento poético que explodia na cidade desde 1999.
UruguayConstitution Day
JapanMarine Day (3rd Monday of July, 2005)